By Unknown Rabu, 31 Desember 2014 CRUD MySql PHP OOP Object Oriented CRUD Tutorial with PHP and MySQL In my previuos tutorial CRUD Operations Using PHP Oops and MySql ,it was simple Object Oriented Concepts for beginners , A better programmin...
By Unknown Selasa, 23 Desember 2014 ELECTRONIC AUCTION (E-AUCTION) : Lelang Online E-Auction pertama dengan aktivitas berbasis web komersial dengan penjualan yang signifikan dimulai pada bulan Mei 1995 yaitu perusahaan Ons...
By Unknown 07.36 Bisnis M3Network Oriflame Berbisnis online cerdas : Oriflame bersama M3Network Setelah menghilang beberapa lamanya dari dunia blog, akhirnya saya sempatkan kembali menulis sedikit cerita, dan semoga tetap berkelanjutan ...
By Unknown Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014 PHP & MySql Delete Uploaded Files From Folder using PHP and MySQL This is my continuation post of how to upload and view files , In this post we will see that how to completely delete(remove) uploaded file...
By Unknown Jumat, 19 Desember 2014 PHP PHP & MySql Tutorials Fetch Data from Multiple Tables with PHP and MySQL This tutorial is about, how to JOIN more than one tables in PHP using SQL join statement and without join statement, how to display results...
By Unknown Selasa, 16 Desember 2014 MySql PHP OOP PHP Data Update and Delete Using OOP This tutorial is continuation of my previous tutorial Data Insert and Select using OOPs , In this tutorial i will show you that how to use P...
By Unknown Senin, 15 Desember 2014 MySql PHP OOP PHP Data Insert and Select Using OOP In this tutorial i will show you that how to perform and use object oriented programming in PHP with MySql to Select and Insert Data. Using ...
By Unknown Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014 C++ 2011 C++-0x C++-201x good code language Library Effective Modern C++ Quick Review and Sale For those of you familiar with Scott Meyers amazing Effective C++ and Effective STL (both of which I highly recommend to C++ programmers),...
By Unknown Kamis, 11 Desember 2014 PHP & MySql Tutorials How to File Upload and View with PHP and MySQL We already have a Simple File Uploading tutorial in this blog and now This tutorial demonstrates how you can upload a files using PHP and ...
By Unknown 00.04 PHP Simple File Uploading With PHP In this tutorial you are going to learn , How to upload files using PHP and moves uploaded files into the specified files folder, Using som...
By Unknown Senin, 08 Desember 2014 CRUD PHP & MySql Simple PHP CRUD Operations with MySQL In this tutorial we are going to discuss about simple CRUD (Create , Read , Update , Delete) PHP operations , these are some of the basic t...
By Unknown Minggu, 07 Desember 2014 Rincian Nilai Prak.PV D (Rabu, 10.00 - 12.00) Berikut rincian nilai Prak.PV D selama 1 semester dapat dilihat di link bawah ini: LINK NILAI PRAK.PV D Untuk perbaikan nilai sebagai beriku...
By Unknown 00.09 PHP & MySql PHP Update Data of MySQL In this Post we will see that how to Update Data of MySql Using PHP , Data of MySql table Can be Updated by executing SQL UPDATE Query(State...
By Unknown Senin, 01 Desember 2014 PHP & MySql How to Delete Data from MySQL with Confirmation in PHP This tutorial shows you that how to Delete rows From MySQL Database table with confirmation and How to set JavaScript Powered Confirmation M...
By Unknown Jumat, 28 November 2014 PHP & MySql PHP Delete Data From MySQL this tutorial help you to delete the inserted data from mysql using php that displayed in webpage, using php functions and mysql queries it...
By Unknown 07.32 PHP & MySql PHP Select Data From MySQL In this tutorial i will show you that how to select data from mysql using php , this tutorial will use PHP and MySlql together to select d...
By Unknown 01.57 TR Prak.Pemrograman Visual Kelas D (Rabu, 10.00 - 12.00) Teman-teman, berikut ketentuan + contoh program TR dengan topik yang sudah dibagikan di kelas, dapat didownload di link berikut ini: LINK TR...
By Unknown 05.06 Nilai Prak.PV Kelas D (Rabu, 10.00 - 12.00) Berikut nilai TTS Prak.PV kalian, bisa langsung dilihat di link di bawah ini : LINK Nilai TTS Prak.PV Untuk protes atau apapun bisa ditanyak...
By Unknown 04.12 Mobcom Progres TR Mobcom Untuk perkuliahan Mobile Computing besok tetap ada dan akan diambil nilai untuk progres TR MobCom.
By Unknown Senin, 24 November 2014 Tugas ASDL Silahkan cari dan jelaskan source code kriptografi selain ROT13 di soft copy ke subjek : ASDL_KRIPTO_NIM file : A...
By Unknown 03.04 TR Prak.Pemrograman Visual Teman-teman, bagi kelas Prak.PV di bawah ini: - Kelas A (Senin, 07.00-09.00) - Kelas B (Selasa, 07.00-09.00) - Kelas C (Selasa, 09.00-11.00)...
By Unknown Selasa, 18 November 2014 PHP & MySql PHP Data Insert Into MySQL Database In this post i will show you that how to insert data into mysql database , this tutorial will use php , html and mysql together and using h...
By Unknown Jumat, 14 November 2014 CRUD MySql PHP OOP CRUD Operations using PHP OOP and MySQL CRUD Operations Using PHP and MySQL with OOP Concepts , Object Oriented PHP is More efficient than simple and core , its being used in man...
By Unknown Rabu, 12 November 2014 Tugas DDP Kamis 13-15 dan Kamis 15-17 KETENTUAN: 1. Karakter merupakan inputan dari user. (tidak boleh manual !) 2. Kirim ke: 3. Subject & Nama Fi...
By Unknown 06.51 Materi JDBC dan List Topik + Ketentuan TR Kelas Dosen (Christine Dewi) Hari Rabu, 14.00 - 16.00 Teman-teman, berikut materi JDBC yang telah diterangkan seperti di kelas, beserta file ketentuan TR, bisa langsung di download langsung di l...
By Unknown Selasa, 11 November 2014 Tugas Prak.Pemrograman Visual (Kelas J, Senin 17.00 - 19.00) Teman-teman, berikut tugas yang harus dibuat, dapat didownload di link di bawah ini: Link Tugas Prak.PV Tugas dapat dikerjakan berkelompok m...
By Unknown Senin, 10 November 2014 Tugas Prak. PV A Silahkan buat kalkulator kata seperti berikut Ketentuan: - 1 Kelompok 2 Orang - Diresponsi saat jam praktikum di kelas
By Unknown Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014 Tugas Prak.Mobile Computing (Kelas Rabu, 10.00 - 13.00) Teman-teman, berikut tugas seperti yang telah dijanjikan di kelas. Tugas ini mencakup materi pertama di Eclipse sampai pertemuan kemarin (ma...
By Unknown Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014 Tugas Prak.Mobile Computing (Kelas Selasa, 10.00 - 13.00) Teman-teman, seperti yang dijelaskan di kelas Tugasnya adalah buat sebuah tampilan dimana bisa menginputkan data nim dan nama, yang kemudian...
By Unknown Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014 Tugas 2 Prak.Mobile Computing Teman-teman, berikut tugas 2 yang harus kalian kerjakan Tugas menyangkut materi tentang Form, List, Record dan SMS, dengan waktu pengerjaan ...
By Unknown 08.31 Tugas 2 (Perbaikan Nilai) Prak.PV Kelas D Teman-teman, berikut untuk ketentuan dan cara pengiriman tugas perbaikan dapat dilihat pada file di bawah ini: TUGAS 2 (Perbaikan) Prak.PV D...
By Unknown Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014 TUGAS PV Senin (7-9) dan Senin(17-19) Berikut Materinya dan berikut Kuis untuk jam 7 dan berikut Kuis untuk jam 17 Ketentuan : Buat minimal 1 interface , dan minimal 1 kelas ...
By Unknown Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2014 Tugas RO Ralat soal tugas RO Maksimal kan dan Minimum kan Z = Ax +By + Cz ABC adalah 3 digit terakhir nim Apabila ada digit yg 0 diganti angka 3 Kend...
By Unknown Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014 bad code buffer overflow bugs competition crazy executives distribution pure failure torture What's really wrong with systemd? Unless you've been living under a rock or on a park bench during the past two years, you've probably heard of systemd and the numer...
By Unknown Kamis, 25 September 2014 Materi Prak.Mobile Computing Teman-teman, berikut materi Prak.Mobile Computing selama 1 semester, silahkan download di link bawah berikut ini: * Java ME : - Bab 1 - Memu...
By Unknown 00.03 Tugas 1 Prak.PV Kelas D Teman-teman, berikut keterangan tentang Tugas 1 yang telah dijelaskan di kelas: - Buatlah program Console sederhana dengan menggunakan softw...