By Unknown Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014 C++ 2011 C++-0x C++-201x good code language Library Effective Modern C++ Quick Review and Sale For those of you familiar with Scott Meyers amazing Effective C++ and Effective STL (both of which I highly recommend to C++ programmers),...
By Unknown Senin, 30 Juni 2014 BSD buffer overflow c99 compatibility good code Library Portability Windows Memory management in C and auto allocating sprintf() - asprintf() Memory Management Memory management in C is viewed by some to be quite tricky. One needs to work with pointers that can point anywhere in me...
By Unknown Minggu, 22 Juni 2014 API bad code bugs c99 compatibility good code Library Portability pure failure standards compliance Avoid incorrect ChaCha20 implementations ChaCha20 is a stream cipher which is gaining a lot of popularity of late. Practically every library today which provides ciphers seems to ...
By Unknown Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014 buffer overflow bugs good code insane ideas Library protocols pure failure Protecting private keys Web servers use private keys which they alone have in order to secure connections with users. Private keys must be protected at all costs. ...
By Unknown Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014 API bad code bugs compatibility file descriptor files good code insane ideas Portability pure failure x86-64 A good idea with bad usage: /dev/urandom Last week, I wrote two articles pointing out issues with unofficial porting efforts of LibreSSL . In these articles, I highlighted some is...
By Unknown Minggu, 27 April 2014 bad code bugs c99 compatibility good code language Library open source Optimization Portability pure failure strlcat strlcpy LibreSSL: The good and the bad OpenSSL & LibreSSL OpenBSD recently forked the popular SSL/TLS library OpenSSL into LibreSSL . Most of the reaction to this that I...