By Unknown Selasa, 29 November 2011 API competition files GCC Optimization Reading in an entire file at once in C++, part 2 Last week I discussed 6 different methods on how to quickly get an entire file into a C++ string . The conclusion was that the straight forw...
By Unknown Selasa, 22 November 2011 API competition files GCC good code insane ideas Optimization How to read in a file in C++ So here's a simple question, what is the correct way to read in a file completely in C++? Various people have various solutions, those w...
By Unknown Sabtu, 19 November 2011 bad code bugs compatibility debian linux modconf pure failure Making modconf work with Linux 3 If you want a nice curses based GUI to add and remove modules from Linux on the fly, you probably used modconf. They say it's deprecated...