By Unknown Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012 bad code debian OSS pure failure torture x86 x86-64 Debian breaks OSS4 Several people have contacted me to tell me that the latest version of OSS4 in Debian Unstable 4.2-build2007-1+nmu1 introduces several audi...
By Unknown Kamis, 19 Juli 2012 API binary c99 closed source compatibility debian Function Pointers GCC good code insane ideas Library open source Portability standards compliance x86 x86-64 Creating portable Linux binaries For some, the idea of creating a portable Linux binary is somewhat elusive. In this article, we will be discussing how to create a Linux bin...
By Unknown Rabu, 14 Desember 2011 compatibility competition crazy executives debian distribution File Dialog Firefox GNOME GTK KDE Mac OS X Mozilla Political Correctness pure failure torture Windows Progression and Regression of Desktop User Interfaces As this Gregorian year comes to a close, with various new interfaces out now, and some new ones on the horizon, I decided to recap my person...
By Unknown Sabtu, 19 November 2011 bad code bugs compatibility debian linux modconf pure failure Making modconf work with Linux 3 If you want a nice curses based GUI to add and remove modules from Linux on the fly, you probably used modconf. They say it's deprecated...