By Unknown Minggu, 22 Juni 2014 API bad code bugs c99 compatibility good code Library Portability pure failure standards compliance Avoid incorrect ChaCha20 implementations ChaCha20 is a stream cipher which is gaining a lot of popularity of late. Practically every library today which provides ciphers seems to ...
By Unknown Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014 API bugs compatibility Google Portability protocols pure failure standards compliance HTTP 308 Incompetence Expected Internet History The Internet from every angle has always been a house of cards held together with defective duct tape. It's a miracle t...
By Unknown Selasa, 19 Maret 2013 API bad code compatibility crazy executives Library PHB Portability protocols pure failure secure standards compliance torture OAuth - A great way to cripple your API Intro A few years ago, the big social networking sites were looking for a secure way to allow their users to safely use any and all untrust...
By Unknown Kamis, 19 Juli 2012 API binary c99 closed source compatibility debian Function Pointers GCC good code insane ideas Library open source Portability standards compliance x86 x86-64 Creating portable Linux binaries For some, the idea of creating a portable Linux binary is somewhat elusive. In this article, we will be discussing how to create a Linux bin...
By Unknown Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010 compatibility competition crazy executives distribution Google HTTP KDE Mozilla open source Portability pure failure standards compliance Windows This just in, 20% of enterprises and most IT people are idiots So, who still runs Internet Explorer 6? I do, because sometimes, I'm a web developer. Along with IE 6, I also run later versions of IE, ...