By Unknown Senin, 30 Juni 2014 BSD buffer overflow c99 compatibility good code Library Portability Windows Memory management in C and auto allocating sprintf() - asprintf() Memory Management Memory management in C is viewed by some to be quite tricky. One needs to work with pointers that can point anywhere in me...
By Unknown Rabu, 14 Desember 2011 compatibility competition crazy executives debian distribution File Dialog Firefox GNOME GTK KDE Mac OS X Mozilla Political Correctness pure failure torture Windows Progression and Regression of Desktop User Interfaces As this Gregorian year comes to a close, with various new interfaces out now, and some new ones on the horizon, I decided to recap my person...
By Unknown Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010 compatibility competition crazy executives distribution Google HTTP KDE Mozilla open source Portability pure failure standards compliance Windows This just in, 20% of enterprises and most IT people are idiots So, who still runs Internet Explorer 6? I do, because sometimes, I'm a web developer. Along with IE 6, I also run later versions of IE, ...
By Unknown Kamis, 03 Juni 2010 API binary bugs closed source compatibility competition Firefox iphone Library Mac OS X Mozilla open source Optimization parameters Portability pure failure Windows Undocumented APIs This topic has been kicked around all over for at least a decade. It's kind of hard to read a computer programming magazine, third party...
By Unknown Senin, 19 Oktober 2009 Blogger Google language Mozilla Windows Why online services suck Does anyone other than me think online services suck? The thing that annoys me the most is language settings. Online service designers one d...
By Unknown Kamis, 18 Juni 2009 ALSA API BSD closed source flash GNOME KDE Library Mac OS X open source OSS Portability Windows State of sound in Linux not so sorry after all About two years ago, I wrote an article titled the " The Sorry State of Sound in Linux ", hoping to get some sound issues in Linux...
By Unknown Selasa, 12 Mei 2009 ALSA API closed source Firefox GNOME gnu GTK GUI KDE Library open source OSS PC Portability Qt school Windows Will Linux ever be mainstream? Constantly different sites and communities always discuss the possibility of Linux becoming mainstream and when the mainstreaming will take ...