By Unknown Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010 factory Function Pointers good code insane ideas Optimization parameters types Simplifying bootstrapping for virtual constructors Last week I demonstrated a solution to the virtual constructor problem. My solution avoids many issues with the factory function solution. ...
By Unknown Selasa, 20 Juli 2010 bad code binary factory Function Pointers good code insane ideas Optimization pure failure types Time to shutdown the factory for code violations There's a common problem in software development regarding how to create an object's type dynamically in C++ and similar languages. ...
By Unknown Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010 API bad code binary bugs C++-0x C++-201x c99 good code language Library parameters Portability pure failure secure signed standards compliance types unsigned x86 x86-64 Does anyone understand types and magnitudes? Regularly I have to work with many popular libraries out there, as well as many libraries written by coworkers and similar. One thing which ...