By Unknown Rabu, 28 Maret 2007 c99 quicksort sorting standards compliance Quicksort Sorting is something most programs have to do on some occasion. Quicksort is accepted as the best in-practice general purpose sorting algori...
By Unknown Senin, 26 Maret 2007 API BSD buffer overflow bugs c99 secure strlcat strlcpy strlmrg Methods for safe string handling Every now and then you hear about how a buffer overflow was discovered in some program. Immediately, everyone jumps on the story with their ...
By Unknown Jumat, 23 Maret 2007 bugs coreutils directory file descriptor gnu Library save_cwd secure tar Are open source libraries written properly? Every now and then you hear people discussing open source applications and libraries, and how a bug was found. The multitude of bugs being f...
By Unknown Selasa, 20 Maret 2007 API Dolphin File Dialog GNOME GTK GUI KDE Qt Trolltech Windows File dialogs The file dialogs we use on a day to day basis have changed significantly over the years. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. ...
By Unknown Minggu, 18 Maret 2007 API Library ManyMouse Portability Cool unknown libraries - Part 1 Every now and then someone asks me if there are any little unknown libraries to get some cool functionality. So today I'd like to showca...
By Unknown Sabtu, 17 Maret 2007 buffer overflow c99 fgets gets standards compliance What to do about gets() A friend of mine recently asked me if I was to make my own C library, how would I implement gets()? An interesting question indeed. When I f...
By Unknown Kamis, 15 Maret 2007 fchmod fcntl file descriptor fstatat ftruncate gzdirect gzdopen openat File Descriptors and why we can't use them Those of you who have been programming for a UNIX based OS for a while have surely felt the power of file descriptors. One prevalent problem...
By Unknown Selasa, 13 Maret 2007 API GUI Portability Qt Applications and the Difficulties of Portability? I'm a software developer who writes a lot of freeware utilities in C/C++ which are all cross platform and work well. Lately some of my u...