By Unknown Rabu, 14 Desember 2011 compatibility competition crazy executives debian distribution File Dialog Firefox GNOME GTK KDE Mac OS X Mozilla Political Correctness pure failure torture Windows Progression and Regression of Desktop User Interfaces As this Gregorian year comes to a close, with various new interfaces out now, and some new ones on the horizon, I decided to recap my person...
By Unknown Rabu, 23 Januari 2008 directory Dolphin File Dialog GUI KDE Windows KDE 4 Review - Insane Style So KDE 4 is out, along with major architectural changes, a new face, and new software, as well as tweaks to what KDE 3 had. Now if you wante...
By Unknown Minggu, 01 April 2007 File Dialog GNOME GTK GUI Qt Trolltech Windows File Dialogs - Take 2 My previous article on file dialogs generated much feedback, and I got varied responses from all kinds of people. I'll go over the feedb...
By Unknown Selasa, 20 Maret 2007 API Dolphin File Dialog GNOME GTK GUI KDE Qt Trolltech Windows File dialogs The file dialogs we use on a day to day basis have changed significantly over the years. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. ...