By Unknown Selasa, 24 November 2009 apache bad code bugs HTTP PHB protocols Qt secure Malicious hackers are not out there Security as it is today is an illusion. What? How could I say that, I'm not serious, am I? Most people today do not understand what secu...
By Unknown Jumat, 06 November 2009 binary BSD closed source CPU Detection distribution FatELF flash GTK insane ideas KDE Library Mac OS X Portability Qt x86-64 FatELF Dead? A while back, someone came up with a project called FatELF . I won't go into the exact details of all its trying to accomplish, but the ...
By Unknown Selasa, 12 Mei 2009 ALSA API closed source Firefox GNOME gnu GTK GUI KDE Library open source OSS PC Portability Qt school Windows Will Linux ever be mainstream? Constantly different sites and communities always discuss the possibility of Linux becoming mainstream and when the mainstreaming will take ...
By Unknown Senin, 28 Januari 2008 API binary closed source KDE Library open source Portability Qt Trolltech Windows Say goodbye to the former Qt and hello to MiniQt? So everyone knows that Nokia is looking to buy Trolltech, the company behind Qt right? If not, read the press release . Trolltech also has u...
By Unknown Minggu, 01 April 2007 File Dialog GNOME GTK GUI Qt Trolltech Windows File Dialogs - Take 2 My previous article on file dialogs generated much feedback, and I got varied responses from all kinds of people. I'll go over the feedb...
By Unknown Selasa, 20 Maret 2007 API Dolphin File Dialog GNOME GTK GUI KDE Qt Trolltech Windows File dialogs The file dialogs we use on a day to day basis have changed significantly over the years. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. ...
By Unknown Selasa, 13 Maret 2007 API GUI Portability Qt Applications and the Difficulties of Portability? I'm a software developer who writes a lot of freeware utilities in C/C++ which are all cross platform and work well. Lately some of my u...