By Unknown Rabu, 17 Desember 2008 closed source GCC gnu open source Windows GPLv3 - Is it right for your family? The GPLv3 came out a while ago, with a changed outlook from v2, which upset many people, with some choosing to relabel their software from ...
By Unknown Selasa, 09 September 2008 binary bugs school searching sorting tree Binary Trees - Does it matter? Ever programmed a Binary Tree before? If you took computer science classes past an introductory level, you probably studied the theory befor...
By Unknown Selasa, 29 Januari 2008 Firefox KDE Mozilla Windows Mozilla is the new Microsoft So who here loves Mozilla and their browsers such as Firefox? I do too, but am I the only one finding Mozilla turning more into Microsoft ev...
By Unknown Senin, 28 Januari 2008 API binary closed source KDE Library open source Portability Qt Trolltech Windows Say goodbye to the former Qt and hello to MiniQt? So everyone knows that Nokia is looking to buy Trolltech, the company behind Qt right? If not, read the press release . Trolltech also has u...
By Unknown Rabu, 23 Januari 2008 directory Dolphin File Dialog GUI KDE Windows KDE 4 Review - Insane Style So KDE 4 is out, along with major architectural changes, a new face, and new software, as well as tweaks to what KDE 3 had. Now if you wante...