By Unknown Rabu, 14 Desember 2011 compatibility competition crazy executives debian distribution File Dialog Firefox GNOME GTK KDE Mac OS X Mozilla Political Correctness pure failure torture Windows Progression and Regression of Desktop User Interfaces As this Gregorian year comes to a close, with various new interfaces out now, and some new ones on the horizon, I decided to recap my person...
By Unknown Kamis, 03 Juni 2010 API binary bugs closed source compatibility competition Firefox iphone Library Mac OS X Mozilla open source Optimization parameters Portability pure failure Windows Undocumented APIs This topic has been kicked around all over for at least a decade. It's kind of hard to read a computer programming magazine, third party...
By Unknown Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009 apache distribution Firefox HTTP insane ideas lighttpd Mozilla Optimization protocols Distributed HTTP A couple years back, a friend of mine got into an area of research which was rather novel and interesting at the time. He created a website ...
By Unknown Senin, 25 Mei 2009 ALSA Firefox flash OSS Perfect sound with OSS version 4 So I just happened to be keeping my eye on some packages being upgraded in Debian on dist-upgrade, and something caught my eye, the package ...
By Unknown Selasa, 12 Mei 2009 ALSA API closed source Firefox GNOME gnu GTK GUI KDE Library open source OSS PC Portability Qt school Windows Will Linux ever be mainstream? Constantly different sites and communities always discuss the possibility of Linux becoming mainstream and when the mainstreaming will take ...
By Unknown Selasa, 29 Januari 2008 Firefox KDE Mozilla Windows Mozilla is the new Microsoft So who here loves Mozilla and their browsers such as Firefox? I do too, but am I the only one finding Mozilla turning more into Microsoft ev...